I have two very simple visual representations. I try to keep my visuals minimalist in my classroom to focus on the content and understanding. I’ve found that minimalist decor and visuals are helping my students to focus on what is essential in their understanding and organization. My favourite of my two is my second visual using the concentric rings with the guided inquiry which is the most teacher directed at the center in the smallest ring and the largest outer ring being open inquiry. Reflecting on my own practice I hover somewhere between controlled and structured inquiry with my students for many of our units including biographies, Salish Sea and Reading Across Canada. I would like to find time in our weeks to approach more open inquiry in a way that is deeply meaningful for my students.
Mackenzie, T. (2011). Exclusive Sketch Notes. Retrieved from Trevor Mackenzie: https://www.trevormackenzie.com/exclusive-sketchnotes
Mackenzie, T. (2016, December). Bringing Inquiry-Based Learning Into Your Class. Retrieved from Edutopia: https://www.edutopia.org/article/bringing-inquiry-based-learning-into-your-class-trevor-mackenzie